All Real-Time!Alerts - Trade IdeasLive stock news feed.Premarket(4.05am-9.30am) Gainers & Losers (9.00am-4pm) Unusual Volume starts at 9.45am Afterhours(4.15pm-8pm) Low float stock list(Stocks with shares float less than 5mln shares)Parameters for being on a list:Day Volume>1kRealtime Stock Screener app for android is free and get the US market stocksbased on stock volume and technical analysis also you can check fundamentals, delayed stock charts and stock news of each stock in the NYSE or NASDAQ.This stock trading tool is very useful for day trading and swing trading low float stocks.You can scan realtime premarket movers and stocks which move after market close.If you do online stock trading then you will like this free stock scanner which allows youto see live stock movers with real time stock quotesAlso this market stock app is one of the best stock scannner for android, but you have toknow how stock trading works and also have your own online broker like thinkorswim, ameritrade,robinhood, etrade or ibkr.This Real-time stock screener is very similar to Trade Ideas, TradingView, Finviz, Stocktwits,Yahoo Finance,Zacks stock research and other desktop stock market apps.In Realtime Stock Screener you can find stocks using various criteria.Criteria can be premarket stock with stock news released before market opens.In fact it can be used as a stock advisor or market analyst.Also you can watch stock market movers on Gainers Tab. Market US stock finder also have Pulse Tab showing realtime market state with mainmarket companies Amazon, Facebook, Miscrosoft, Tesla, Google.Also it shows futures gold price, spy stock market index and volatility market stock etfAlso us stock market app could be used as stock market tracker to check all stocks with recent news.In one place there is an option to check live stock news, stock chart, fundamentals and sec stock reportsRealtime stock scanner also have low float stock list(Stocks with shares float less than 10mln shares) which allows you to analyse stocks for swing trading or daytrading.Main Screener options:Premarket(4.05am-9.30am) -Shows all real time stock market movers before market opens gainers and losersGainers & Losers (9.00am-4pm) - Shows Gainers and Losers from market opens til market closeUnusual Volume starts at 9.45am - Shows all stocks with unusual activity or volume.Afterhours(4.15pm-8pm) - Shows all real time stock market movers after market close gainers and losers with fresh news